Sleep music solution for a healthy sleep cycle
good night(Zalza)

A person needs to sleep when he is sleepy.
However, do you know that sleeping too long at any time or sleeping too short can cause a negative impact on your daily condition and health immune system because the effect of sleep is reduced?
'Good night' sleep music researcher
With the hope that everyone can enjoy a comfortable and healthy sleep life
I created my own sleep music based on sleep tech (sleep cycle).

Scientific sleep music based on your sleep cycle
All sleep music in 'Goodnight' is produced based on the sleep cycle of brain waves.
Brain waves and pink noise (a sound that gives a sense of security) from healthy sleep are synthesized with SleepTech technology, and brain waves (432Hz) that appear when the mind is calm are applied to instruments to create music according to the sleep cycle based on sleep theory. .
What is sleep cycle?
Light sleep (REM sleep) and deep sleep (non-REM sleep) are repeated in an average cycle of 90 to 120 minutes. thing.
Based on this cycle, during sleep, the human brain can perform normal brain activities such as memory and creativity improvement.
You can have a healthy body, such as recovering from fatigue and strengthening the immune system.

Nap music during the day and deep sleep music at night
Experience a healthy sleep pattern.
Then, good night!
우리는 인생의 3분의 1을 수면 시간으로 보냅니다. ‘잘자' 팀은 그 3분의 1을 함께하고 싶습니다.
밤새 뒤척이며 잠못드는 사람들, 건강한 수면을 원하는 사람들,
풀리지 않은 피로로 하루가 무거운 사람들.
현대인들이 다양한 환경에서 겪는 고민들에 귀를 기울여 전문 수면 콘텐츠 서비스로 나아가고자 합니다.
그럼 오늘도,

All sleep music in 'Goodnight' is produced based on the sleep cycle of brain waves.
Brain waves and pink noise (a sound that gives a sense of security) from healthy sleep are synthesized with SleepTech technology, and brain waves (432Hz) that appear when the mind is calm are applied to instruments to create music according to the sleep cycle based on sleep theory. .